Monday, March 17, 2008

Maximum Ride

Have you ever read the Maximum Ride series? Well I have and its really cool. If you read them you feel like reading the series forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever. That would be a really long time. Have you guys changed your clocks yet? I hope so, because its been two weeks. I still haven't set my watch so at school I just make it an hour ahead. Why do they do that, I don't really understand. Do you like tacos? I like tacos. I like burritos better though. Mmmmmmmmmm Burritos. Okay okay I snapped out of it! I'll try to stay on task. Burrtios Burritos Burritoooooooos. da dadum dum da dum. YEAHHHHHH. WOO. (Smash Guitar)